1. Setup Shopify store

Unzip the download package and edit the file: src/common/config.js file

  Shopify: {
    url: "beostore.myshopify.com",
    // graphql config
    graphqlUrl: "https://beostore.myshopify.com/api/graphql",
    storeAccessToken: "3e702f1189b419b9899f9e86c9a615a9",
  • URL: is the URL of your shopify store
  • graphqlUrl: the graphQL URL of your store, the common format is your-domain/api/graphql
  • storeAccessToken: The store front access key, you can refer to this document to get the ID: https://help.shopify.com/en/api/custom-storefronts/storefront-api/getting-started

    • From your Shopify admin, select Apps.
    • Click Manage private apps.
    • Click Create new private app.
    • Fill out the details of your private app.
    • In the Storefront API section, be sure to select Allow this app to access your storefront data using the Storefront API.
    • Click Save.


2. Running on Expo app Client

  • Beside running the demo right on the Simulator, it's possible to run it right on your mobile phone but it should have the same wifi network (or using USB cable)
  • Dowload the Expo Client app: download for Android from the Play Store or for iOS from the App Store
  • Running by openning the Expo Client, select the Project tab menu, then you can see the list of RECENTLY IN DEVELOPMENT where content the URL point to your local URL (make sure you are login the same account on Expo Cli and Expo Client)