Basic question during installing the app that you could meet and also provide some solution to fix the installing issues. If these answer could not be, raise new ticket to

The image of the product doesn't appear

  • Issue: I set up all the plugins, but when I run the application, the products appear but the image of the product doesn't appear.
  • Solution: please check this guide . Be sure you have installed all Wordpress plugins and Enable Wordpress setting. Then you also can reupload the image.

The build failed in MStore Pro latest version

  • Issue: This is the error:

    The following build commands failed:
    	CompileC /Volumes/DATA/Startups/Osja\ Store/App\ Development/App\ Dev/mstore-3.9.7/mstore-pro\ 1/ios/build/mstore/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ /Volumes/DATA/Startups/Osja\ Store/App\ Development/App\ Dev/mstore-3.9.7/mstore-pro\ 1/node_modules/react-native-reanimated/ios/Nodes/REAAlwaysNode.m normal x86_64 objective-c
    	CompileC /Volumes/DATA/Startups/Osja\ Store/App\ Development/App\ Dev/mstore-3.9.7/mstore-pro\ 1/ios/build/mstore/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ /Volumes/DATA/Startups/Osja\ Store/App\ Development/App\ Dev/mstore-3.9.7/mstore-pro\ 1/node_modules/react-native-reanimated/ios/Nodes/REABezierNode.m normal x86_64 objective-c
    	CompileC /Volumes/DATA/Startups/Osja\ Store/App\ Development/App\ Dev/mstore-3.9.7/mstore-pro\ 1/ios/build/mstore/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ /Volumes/DATA/Startups/Osja\ Store/App\ Development/App\ Dev/mstore-3.9.7/mstore-pro\ 1/node_modules/react-native-reanimated/ios/Nodes/REACallFuncNode.m normal x86_64 objective-c
    	CompileC /Volumes/DATA/Startups/Osja\ Store/App\ Development/App\ Dev/mstore-3.9.7/mstore-pro\ 1/ios/build/mstore/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ /Volumes/DATA/Startups/Osja\ Store/App\ Development/App\ Dev/mstore-3.9.7/mstore-pro\ 1/node_modules/react-native-reanimated/ios/Nodes/REAClockNodes.m normal x86_64 objective-c
    (4 failures)
  • Solution:

    • Go to ios folder, then remove the Pod folder, Podfile.lock
    • Run: pod repo update
    • Run: pod install
    • From the mstore-pro folder:
    • Run: yarn install && yarn start --reset-cache
    • Run: react-native run-ios

Can I release the app to both iOS and Android?

Yes, as this is made by React Native framework which upport to release for both iOS and Android, please discover more the framework from

Does it include full source code package and easy to customize ?

Yes, you will get the full source code package and also the free Wordpress plugins, it is not required technical or development skills to use as easy to installing by using the Expo tools (

Will i get the free upgrade on next comming version ?

Yes you will get the free upgrade with more awesome features coming, please follow the change logs to see the detail update. You will get the notify email for new version update on stores.

My Android simulator not run with Expo ?

First make you you can open the Android simulator successful by using Genymotion, then selec the Lan option from Expo XDE config and run the project from Device button

Resolve issue "Could not connect to development server" ?

First, make sure your have run "yarn install" or "npm install" to create the node_modules folder

Then, try the press the Restart button from Expo and Ctrl+R (Window) or Command+R (MacOS) to reload the project on simulator. We will able to see the Building Javascript at bottom of the simulator.

Fix "CFBundleIdentifier", Does Not Exist" ?

Root cause: missing React library or facebookSDK

Step 1: run: yarn setup (only for Mac OS, on window you should run yarn install)

Step 2: Openbeostore.xcworkspaceselect Product/Schema/Edit Schema, then click + button to find React and add it to top of the list, make sure the Parallelize Build is uncheck and the React should be on top


(Other solution is select the React from the list and click build again)


404 error page when process the payment ?

First solution:

  • First, we need to create a page and name it "mstore-api" and remember don't set any parent page for it, then set page template to"page custom template
  • You need to install the mstore-api plugin at the first place.

Below is the screenshot for how to setting:


Second solution:

  1. Copy the file "plugins/mstore-api/templates/mstore-api-template.php" to your current Wordpress template folder.
  2. The same step-2 from the first solution above but select the "MStore Checkout" instead of "Page custom template" from the dropdown list, this naming could be changed from mstore-api-template.php file

node_modules/react-native/React/../third-party/glog-0.3.4/src/base/mutex.h:105:10: fatal error: 'config.h' file not found ?